Thinking of a name for our perfume brand has proven almost impossible, something which seems such simple task has created headaches from overthinking. In the end we settled on something simple, 'Purtri'. This stands for purity and trinity, two words which sum our brand up pretty well. Although we have umm'd and ahh'd over this name we settled with it as time was running out and we had more important things to focus on like packaging and logo ideas. Originally the graphic designers handed us a sheet with some logo ideas however as a group we decided to create our own as we felt the graphics students veered away from the brief we set and gave us basic designs. Our final logo was created pretty simply using water coloured brushes downloaded on the internet for photoshop then our logo in a font we had seen the graphics students use. Here is the final outcome...
For our brand, we focus on two main colours, turquoise and purple. We felt these were both feminine but also fresh which is ideal for our brand. The splash of watercolour was something we all agreed looked effortless but still trendy and represented the natural elements of our brand.
The bottle design has been a long difficult process, in the first meeting with graphics we met 3 girls who seemed to take a good understanding of our brief and off they went to design. The second meeting, we were presented with their first design ideas however they were pretty basic and completely off from the brief we had set. We were left feeling pretty disappointed and unenthusiastic about how the final bottle would look. At the final meeting only two of the three students turned up and each had done their own designs rather than worked as a group which I felt was rather strange, however the designs were a lot better than anticipated but we were then presented with the dilemma of which design to use. We ended up settling on one of the designs however asked her to incoperate the colours from the other group members bottle. Overall, i'm not entirely happy with the bottles, after looking at other groups work I feel we could've had much better designs if our graphics group had communicated with each other better but we will just have to work with what we've got.
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